Types of Health Insurance Plans And Their Benefits


Types of Health Insurance Plans And Their Benefits

There is a plethora of health insurance plans available in the market. When it comes to cheapest health insurance in Abu dhabi, people's needs are unique and taking that into advisement, insurers tailor different types of health insurance policies. For the layman, this can turn into a problem of plenty. This article outlines the various types of health insurance plans available and their corresponding benefits -

Individual Health Insurance

This is the most popular cheapest health insurance in sharjah policy available. It takes care of every possible medical expense that the policyholder might incur in the event of a hospitalization. Some of its features are-

  • The minimum age for buying individual insurance is eighteen and the maximum age can be anything between sixty and eighty.
  • It can be renewed all through the individual's life
  • Pre and post hospitalization coverage is offered
  • Includes hospitalization cost, surgery expenses, medical tests

Family Floater Plans

Our families mean the world to us. The best way to guarantee their health and safety is buying a family health insurance plan for them. It is similar to the individual insurance plan only it includes your entire family. Some of its features are-

  • You have to pay only one premium instead of multiple premiums for individual policies.
  • It includes your spouse, children (up to three) and your parents and sometimes your in-laws. You may include your siblings as dependents.
  • If you have used up the sum insured, you can replenish the policy with a top up.
  • Its coverage includes hospitalization charges, tests, doctor's fees
  • For children, there are added provisions such as bilirubin count test, hepatitis screening, autism tests etc.

Employee Health Insurance or Group Health Insurance abu dhabi

Since the productivity of an employee is directly related to her/his health, many firms and businesses offer health insurance to their employees. All the office employees are treated as a group and hence the name 'group health insurance'. Medical claims can be made by more than one employee at the same time. The waiting period for maternity benefits and pre-existing illnesses are waived in a group health insurance policy.

Hospital daily cash Benefit Plans

This cheapest health insurance in dubai policy reimburses the daily expenses incurred while the policyholder is hospitalized. The specific amount that the insurer pays depends on the premium. If the reimbursement falls short of the expenses incurred, then the individual has to pay the balance out of his/her pocket. The individual will receive the full quantum of reimbursement even if the hospital bill falls short of the specific amount that the insurer pays.

Critical Illness Plans

These schemes make provisions for a dozen rare but severe and debilitating ailments like a tumour, heart ailments, paralysis, AIDS etc. These policies are becoming more popular these days because critical illnesses are on the rise. Diagnosis of any critical illness means a serious drain on a family's finances. In this plan, a lump sum amount is paid to the insured in the event of a confirmed diagnosis of a critical ailment.

To get insurance benefits, the individual does not require to be hospitalized. Diagnosis alone is enough to make a claim. It has a waiting period of three months.

It is a good option for people who live paycheck to paycheck and do not have employee health insurance.

Instead of blindly rushing to buy the first insurance policy that you come across, it is vital that you research the different policies out there, on the internet. Analyze the needs of your family or employees carefully before making a decision.


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