Deciding the Best Health Insurance

Deciding the Best Health Insurance

Opting for good health insurance  in Dubai is indeed a challenging task as market is full of insurance companies each claiming to offer the best health insurance plan. Also, in today's sedentary lifestyle  cheapest Health insurance Abu dhabi cannot be ignored as every now and then an illness breaks out putting your health to a great risk. A sudden illness makes you vulnerable not only physically and mentally but also financially.

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So, again the question boils down to how to shortlist best health insurance in India? Before settling down to one insurance company evaluate your family needs and focus on the points give as under:

  • Number of family members
  • Age group of family members
  • Your premium paying capacity
  • Required coverage amount of the health insurance policy

Factors determining the best health insurance companies

Once you have evaluated your family and financial need, focus on the health insurance companies that meet your level of expectations. The best health insurance policy must have the following features:

  • Individual health plans and family floater plans
  • Lifetime renewability option
  • Cashless hospitalization facility
  • Emergency hospitalization facility
  • Reimbursement option if treatment is meted out in non-network hospital
  • Good and easy settlement history
  • Pre and post hospitalization coverage to certain defined period
  • Tax saving benefits
  • Bonus for claim free year
  • Coverage clause of pre-existing ailments

The good health insurance policy must have a room for all the above features. You may come across many insurance companies that may have more or less the same features. Now you intelligence lies in doing a cost benefit analysis. Calculate the premium you would have to shell out for the same coverage amount for various companies offering the best health insurance plan. If your family size is small you can also think about going for family floater plan rather than sticking to traditional individual health insurance plan. This in turn would fetch you more coverage amount at a lesser amount. The probability of all the family members meting out disease in the same policy year is relatively less. So, if you take a family floater plan for Rs 5 lac coverage then if any of the members fall ill they can utilize the whole coverage amount if the need arises otherwise the remaining coverage amount can be utilized by another family member in case of medical contingency. is an insurance comparison website in UAE. We are dedicated to serving you with all the information that you need regarding insurance.

You can compare various insurance plans and policies and choose the best for you, based on your requirements and preferences. We provide you with the information, expertise, and know how and give you completely unbiased opinions and suggestions. The final decision always remains with you. is an insurance comparison website in UAE. We are dedicated to serving you with all the information that you need regarding insurance.

You can compare various insurance plans and policies and choose the best for you, based on your requirements and preferences. We provide you with the information, expertise, and know how and give you completely unbiased opinions and suggestions. The final decision always remains with you.


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